Is Russell Brand slamming his ex-wife Katy Perry’s lifestyle? Sure sounds like it! In a trailer for Brand’s new documentary, BRAND: A Second Coming, the actor has choice words while talking about his past marriage.

“Oh my f—king god. I’m living this life of the very thing I detest,” Brand is seen exclaiming before a video of Perry is shown. “Vapid, vacuous celebrity. Fame and power is bulls—t.”

According to the Daily Mail, the actor, 40, also mocks Perry’s accent in the film and tells his friend Stephen Merchant that after traveling to Africa in 2010, he realized his relationship with the “Dark Horse” songstress was “not a resolution to anything spiritual” and that “at some point, to be happy, I’m going to have to walk away.”

Brand attempted to keep the film from showing at SWSX this past March and director Ondi Timoner revealed it was “difficult” to work with the actor. “There are a couple of things I took out for ethical reasons for Russell,” Timoner explained of cuts. Brand later explained on his website that watching the documentary was “very uncomfortable” for him.

Russell Brand Slams Katy Perry's 'Vapid' Lifestyle in New Documentary

Brand and Perry, 31, wed in 2010, and the comedian filed for divorce 14 months later. According to Perry, Brand told her via a text message that he was divorcing.

“I was in bed for about two weeks. I was pretty f–ked, yes. It hurt a lot—I got a good knock,” she later told The Sunday Times, before talking about her 2013 breakup album Prism. “What I wanted to call this record [Prism] at first was Adult Reality because Teenage Dream was so high on that cotton candy cloud, and then it’s like I got punched in the face and kicked down the stairs a couple of times. So I had to face the reality that things are not always on cloud nine.”