Katy Perry honored her former and late manager, Martin Kirkup, on Instagram with a carousel of pictures. She shared the impact he has made in her life and a “spiritual message”

Martin Kirkup was Katy’s manager for almost 20 years (Image: Katy Perry/Instagram)

Katy Perry took a moment to pay tribute to an old friend.

The American Idol judge posted a carousel of pictures of her former manager, Martin Kirkup, on Instagram on February 15. In the very long caption, Katy took a moment to honor Martin’s impact and what he meant to her. She revealed that she has felt spiritual messages from him since his passing, including the number, 143.

She wrote: “It’s been a number I have seen many times since the birth of my daughter, Daisy. It’s come to me in some of my hardest times to comfort me and is a constant confirmation that whatever I’m doing or path I’m on is the right one to be on.

Katy Perry shares with fans 'spiritual messages' from dead manager on Instagram
Katy Perry shares with fans ‘spiritual messages’ from dead manager on Instagram ( Image: Katy Perry/Instagram)
She continued: “It’s my angels and guides sending a little numerical code to me whenever they wanna engage. The day after Martin passed, 143s were everywhere. The receipt in the morning was 143, the length of the movie we watched was 143, and to top it off, the one person that came up to me to ask for a picture introduced himself as Martin. What a coincidence, eh?” She ended the post: I hear you Martin, and 143 back to you.”

While reflecting on their relationship, Katy also highlighted Martin’s role as a protector and a key figure in her professional journey. She had worked with him for almost 20 years as he was one of her managers at Direct Management. She said that Martin had “fought day in and day out” for her voice to be heard. She wrote: “Martin was one of my protectors. He was vigilant about getting me what I deserved and celebrated the headstrong female I am.”

She has been seeing the number 143
She has been seeing the number 143 ( Image: Katy Perry/Instagram)
The American Idol judge said she three days before Martin died, he got to listen to what Katy had been working on. She said he was excited for her future and she was glad she had a moment to make him proud.

She also shared that even though they were not able to say their last goodbyes, he knew how much “respect and admiration” Katy had for him, and “his hearty chuckles and wicked retorts continue to echo through” her mind.