Some of the original songs, like “White Horse” and “Forever and Always,” still possess the same incomparable levels of sad girl energy that transport me immediately to my youth and literally dancing on top of a coffee table with the three white women who introduced me to Swift’s music.
But today, on this auspicious holiday, I would be remiss if I did not shame my colleagues, who woke up this morning talking about things that were not the sheer joy of listening to Taylor Swift. Like, OK I get it, someone died and Aaron Judge got injured but the fact that not a single one of them said anything to me about this day I have been waiting for since last year? Not even a group card, which is the least anyone can do! Why do I even still work here?
Anyway, Happy Taylor Swift Dropping Her First Re-Recorded Album Day to all my Swifties. May today be a fairytale and may the Stephen of your life finally notice you.